"Ms. Carol is amazing and so kind! She changed my life!" - Avery, 10 years old

“Ms. Carol is amazing and so kind! She changed my life! I used to be SO scared to try new foods and Ms. Carol helped me learn how to not be so scared. Without her, I never would have tried apples, my mom’s BBQ chicken pizza or Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets, but now they are three of my favorite foods. I don’t know what I would have done without her and I’m so thankful that I worked with her.”

At age 9 Avery avoided sleepovers, sitting at the Thanksgiving table and dreamed of attending overnight camp. Her only obstacle was food. Avery had extreme anxiety when faced with new food and ate a diet limited to her preferred carbs. Although, super nervous, she worked hard on her eating homework and six months into therapy she was confidently eating foods from all food groups and loving them! This past summer she was finally able to go to sleepover camp for the first time. On her second day there, she sent this note to her parents and requested chicken pizza and roasted broccoli for her first meal back home.

Note Avery sent from her first time at camp to her parents.

Note Avery sent from her first time at camp to her parents.

Eating her new favorite foods.  Mom’s BBQ chicken pizza and roasted broccoli

Eating her new favorite foods. Mom’s BBQ chicken pizza and roasted broccoli

Kelly - Mother of Avery - We are so glad that we discovered Carol Elliott to help our daughter. After years of being told that she would outgrow her picky eating, Carol helped us to discover the underlying causes, including anxiety and some physical issues and to address all of them so Avery could learn to love a variety of healthy foods. Avery developed a rapport with Carol after their first meeting because she is so patient, calm and positive. As their relationship developed, so did Avery’s list of preferred foods. She now loves to help me plan our weekly menu and she’s excited about trying new recipes. Carol is such a wonderful resource for struggling families and we are forever grateful for the time that she shared her gifts with our daughter.  

COVID19 - "Tele-feeding" and Making Progress!

The COVID-19 quarantine has been very challenging for many businesses. Fortunately, conducting telehealth feeding therapy “tele-feeding” is not new to Pediatric Feeding Services. I have been using this method of treatment for my long distance and out of the country clients for many years now. Although this was a change for my local kiddos, both the children and the parents have all stepped up to the challenge and are doing great! I have added some new tools, shared screens and video games, helped teach pureeing, and perfected demonstration for feeding techniques on myself and my daughter’s old American Girl doll! While in-person visits are always my preference, tele-health can offer some extra advantages in addition to limiting social contact.

For the younger kiddos or those who may be in the midst of “stranger danger,” having the therapist on the computer is fun! Most are familiar with and love a screen and now the screen is interacting with them directly. We have had fun showing each other cool toys and I have gotten very creative with different ways to play with my son’s old matchbox cars. The boys love them! Not having to work through “getting to know each other” has helped to have a productive session right from the start.

During in-person therapy I typically sit on the side of the child for better handling/placement and to make the child feel less “threatened.” When using live video streaming I get a really nice center view of the child and can pick up on subtle oral motor skill issues I may not have seen clearly in person. I can also have the parent zoom up for a super close view when we are using the phone.

The coaching model of tele-feeding makes parents pick up the pace with working on feeding and the home program. There is no hiding behind me - it is all them. Although this can be stressful and tiresome, it has been a confidence booster to show parents how capable they are!

Not having to juggle around the school, homework and after school activities has made scheduling a little easier. Everyone is home so there is more time to practice new foods and prepare foods throughout the day (when they can find the ingredients in the store). Many of these picky eaters seem a little more relaxed which helps when working on learning to eat new foods.

Having a much shorter commute time and not having to fit drive time in between appointments has been an added bonus and has allowed me to be more flexible and add more children to my schedule. Being able help out more families is always great!

Like home treatment, tele-feeding can come with some struggles as well as comic relief. Some days the internet connection is not great, we can’t hear each other, or there might be a passing thunderstorm or power outage. I have been flipped off the table when the dog hit the power cord, have traveled in the back seat of the car during an on-the-go session, and have also been carried around the house to see new toys.

As in many households, my whole family has been working from home. The other conference calls in the house are far less fun than mine. Though I am in my office in a confidential space, I have been told that I yell when I trying to instruct over a crying child (for some reason I feel if I am loud on my side the parent will hear me better.. that’s funny). I also sound super excited shouting “Yay!!!” and other sounds of joy. Although they may hear “take your bite” and “chew and swallow” a couple 100 times a day through the walls, they know I am doing my best to help my patients continue to grow.

Although this has been a shift in practice model, I continue to feel so blessed to be able to do what I love everyday! Through tele-health I have been able to continue to help children and families in need even during these unusual and challenging times. If you have a child who is struggling with feeding, you don’t have to wait for help. Please reach out to me and we can discuss your case and see if tele-feeding would be a good option for you! Please stay safe and stay well!


Happy 2020!!

It's the last day of 2019 - can you believe it?! What a great year it has been. As I continued to grow my business, I got to meet up with old friends, make new ones, watched first bites, tongues move, celebrate eating birthday cakes and cup cakes, watch kids gain weight, wean from tube feedings, eat at day care and try new foods without tears! Thank you for sharing your precious kids with me! I feel so blessed to have the very best families to work with and am so happy I can help celebrate your feeding successes! Wishing you a year filled with health, happiness and great eating for 2020!!

Parent Testimonial | Parents of Ryan

Our son, Ryan, was born prematurely and suffered an unspecified gastrointestinal (GI) issue, which included refusal to eat, chronic vomiting, and acid reflux symptoms. After nearly 18 months of traveling throughout New England for medical care, trying every hypo-allergenic and medical formula, aggressive medications, and gastric-tube surgeries, our pediatric physician mentioned an intensive feeding program in Richmond, VA. We applied and were quickly connected to Carol, our lead feeding therapist.

She was the answer to our prayers, the hope my emotionally exhausted and despairing family needed. In all our time seeing medical professionals, she was the ONLY practitioner to say, “I know what this is. I see it all the time, and I can help”, which brought tears of relief. 

During the eight-week program, Carol collaborated with the team to ensure Ryan’s medical, nutritional and behavioral issues were addressed. She carefully guided Ryan through oral-motor exercises and implemented unique feeding techniques following the TR-eat Model. Throughout the process, she educated our family on effective, long-term feeding practices. Ryan was soon independent of his gastric-tube and enjoying the flavors and textures of whole foods. In the months after graduation from the feeding program, Carol remained available to us for consultations, which was also a blessing, because our local feeding therapy failed to progress Ryan’s skills.  

Today, Ryan is an energetic, happy eater, thanks to Carol’s exceptional skill, knowledge, and compassion. She is not only Ryan’s therapist; she is our family friend.