Parent Testimonial | Parents of Elias

Eating birthday cake at a party for the first time!

After our son was diagnosed with autism in December of 2018, it was a challenge figuring out how to best support him and what supports he needed. From the time we started introducing foods to Elias during his first year, it was hard. We would give him cheerios when he was a year old, and he would choke on them. We tried and again and again and the same result. He always preferred softer foods. Eventually at around 2.5 years old the only thing we could get him to eat was yogurt pouches and baby food pouches. He ate like that for a year, and I would get frustrated going to our doctor and all they would say is to continue to try and put foods in front of him. I knew it had to be more than just being picky with foods. 

I found Carol Elliott at Pediatric Feeding Services, and we scheduled an evaluation. After our initial appointment, she referred us to ENT due to concerns about mouth breathing, as well as a tongue tie that appeared to affect his ability to chew and swallow whole food. Things were coming together and starting to make sense to us.  We had his adenoids removed and his tongue tie released.  After that, the real journey began!  We had to start with learning how to sit in a seat and accept a spoon (not just a pouch) along with other pureed foods and to drink from a variety of straws and cups.  We worked on oral motor exercises and specific techniques to teach him how to chew.  It was A LOT of hard work with ups and downs, but after 3 years of working with Carol, Elias’ progress has been amazing!  He now knows how to chew!! He will try new foods and will pretty much eat anything!  He’s not even picky! I highly recommend Carol Elliott if your child is struggling with eating.

Hugs on graduation day!

Crunching on a veggie straw after much practice.

Eating and loving mac and cheese

Banana bread and a fork!